
new journey, new confidence

So the time has come where I have gotten to see my parents for the first time in the span of eight months... To a good amound of people out there that might not seem like such a long time but to me, it's been far too long. Funny part is when they are here with me I can really see what small parts of me have changed. I can also see that they haven't changed in the slightest. It's a little funny but I am positive that it will be that way when I see most of my friends.

On my journey to Frankfurt to meet everyone at the airport and head to Munich I realized that neither me or my parent really exchanged any information on how we were going to meet up. No flight numbers, no departue city, no cellphone numbers. Ridiculous... But after missing our train we were finally reunited and began our little adventure. The trip that my family and I are on is through Munich, Prague, and Berlin, topping it off with the best stop ever! Hildeshiem... It has been beyond great so far, the alps in the south of germany are splendid and Prague is an absolute breathtaker! More exploring and discovering is yet to come for us on this journey. Hope my family is up to it. Still have the fun of Berlin to come!

I will have pictures up in about a week with an update on the progress of the semester (for those who are at all interested). Till then!

1 comment:

  1. I have changed several times, and by change clothes. I love you tho ;)
